He-Man and the Masters
of the Universe #7–9 (DC) are written by Dan Abnett and illustrated by
Rafael Kayanan and Michael S. O’Hare. Here, when Randor leads an attack on a
Horde archaeological dig, Hordak nukes the site from orbit, leading the Heroic
Warriors to undertake a forbidden journey to Subternia in an attempt to
resurrect the Sorceress. No, seriously.
From the first panel, Abnett tries to go high fantasy with
the dialogue and narration. You’ll recall that Giffen did too—sometimes.
Abnett, at least, is consistent, and so it works a lot better. The scripting
isn’t anything fantastic, but there’s a conspicuous absence of any petty
bickering. In fact, Abnett’s Teela isn’t too far off from the 200X Teela:
sassy, but not obnoxious so. On the heels of the complete disaster that was
Giffen’s scripting, this is a major upgrade that imbues every page of these
comics with the refreshing breeze of not flagrantly sucking.
Beyond the fact that on the face of it, it doesn’t make a
lot of sense, the plot is also fair; I’m not sorry to move the story away from
the Horde for a while. Unfortunately, the pace isn’t great. There’s too much
fighting and too much expository speechifying (including a great deal of
mystical mumbo jumbo concerning the Goddess). Since we’re not getting any character
development for any of these people, we need to be getting a good amount of storytelling
accomplished, and we just aren’t—there seems to be a ton of ground to cover (or
to skip over) to resolve this storyline by the end of #12.
Other thoughts on the writing: Iron Pants He-Man still isn’t
doing much; he’s just part of the team. In fact, it’s obvious who the most
powerful of the Heroic Warriors is: Moss Man. For reals. It’s not even close. And
everybody just calls Iron Pants He-Man “Adam.” Given all this, it might be time
to retitle the book. If you don’t like
and the Masters of the Universe,
Masters of the Universe would certainly
fit better, as would, perhaps,
League of Eternia.
The decision to make Grizzlor, of all people, the Horde’s
sophisticated tactician is an interesting one, but it works well enough.
Man-At-Arms is conspicuous by his absence, although Randor fills his role as the
group’s strategic planner, wearer of sweet knobbly armor, and one that
has a gun. Abnett also seems to be going out of his way to drop these
characters’ “real” names from the MOTU Classics line whenever possible. Gur’rull
Gu’rroooow? Sure, buddy. Whatever you want. Also, we really could have used
some better editing.
Kayanan does the art for #7 and #8. There are some nice
touches: a lot of the classic vehicles appear, for example, and Grizzlor’s
cloak is clearly made from the Mattel Fright Zone dragon puppet (but why does
Stratos look like Spider-Man?). However, Kayanan uses heavy, messy inks, his
figures often look flat, and his human faces aren’t good at all—it’s an ugly
style that doesn’t work for me at all. It also makes for a jarring transition to
O’Hare’s art in #9, which is clean, bright, and vibrant. It’s a style that fits
what He-Man is supposed to be all about (although…would
one background be too much to ask for?). The short-term good news
is that O’Hare is listed as the artist on #10–12. The only other art-related
comment I have is that the cover for #7 is probably the worst I’ve seen since
Marvel put Hordak’s giant head on the cover of
Masters of the Universe #4 (in which he didn’t even appear) in
So then: while these are, overall, some pretty mediocre
comics, they’re also the most unterrible He-Man comics we’ve seen in many
moons. By God, these things are readable.
I’ve been subjected to too much to get my hopes up, but #10–12 certainly have
the potential to be the most unterrible comics yet.