Wednesday, May 30, 2007

V FOR VENDETTA by Alan Moore and David Lloyd

V for Vendetta is Alan Moore and David Lloyd's comic book vision of future, dystopian England, where the fascist government is opposed by an anarchist terrorist.

The comic is considerably more complex than the film; V is crusading for anarchy, not freedom, and neither he nor Evey Hammond are as particularly noble as they are in the movie. This leads, then, as Moore intended, to the reader dealing with two extremes, neither one of which is perfect or necessarily even good.

V for Vendetta is a solid, thought-provoking work, although not Moore's absolute best (Watchmen). The narrative is heavy-handed at times, particularly at the beginning. There are some instances where the reader's suspension of disbelief is stretched rather thin (for example, how, exactly, did V come to have complete control over the Fate computer all these years?). The authors' decision not to use thought balloons or sound effects was avante garde, but ultimately benefits this work. Lloyd's art is on the whole quite realistic, which fits the story very well.

V for Vendetta is recommended to those who enjoy thought-provoking, multi-layered stories.